Hello, I'm Cristian. I am eager to apply my skills in a real-world setting and evolve with the ever-changing landscape of software development. I have a strong interest in mastering .NET technologies to create powerful applications.
My projects
Social Media App
I worked on a full-stack social media app. It has features like creating new events, following, liking and commenting.
- .NET 7.0
- C#
- PostGreSQL
- Entity Framework Core
- React
- Semantic UI
- TypeScript
- Axios
- MobX
- React Router
Demo Account Credentials
Username: tom@test.com
Password: Pa$$w0rd
E-commerce App
A web app for an e-commerce store. I worked as a full-stack developer. It has features like filtering, sorting and pagination.
- .NET 7.0
- C#
- PostGreSQL
- Entity Framework Core
- React
- Material UI
- TypeScript
- Axios
- Redux Toolkit
- React Router
Demo Account Credentials
Username: bob
Password: P@$$w0rd
Dating App
A dating app where users can like each other, filter by age and gender, chat and see who liked them. I worked as a full-stack developer.
- .NET 7.0
- C#
- PostGreSQL
- Entity Framework Core
- Automapper
- SignalR
- Angular 16
- Bootstrap
- TypeScript
- JWT Auth
- RxJS
Demo Account Credentials
Username: lisa
Password: P@$$w0rd
My skills
- .NET 6.0+
- C#
- Entity Framework Core
- LINq
- Dapper
- PostGreSQL
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Stored procedures
- AutoMapper
- MediatR
- Fluent Validation
- SignalR
- SOLID Principles
- Clean Code
- GraphQL
- ASP.NET Core
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Redux Toolkit
- Material UI
- Semantic UI
- Bootstrap
- Angular
- Framer Motion
- RxJS
- Git
- xUnit
My experience
Apprentice Electrician
Sebes, Alba, Romania
Apart software development, I have several passions, one of them involves hardware and electricity, thus I spent my summer holidays during Highschool working as an electrician.
2014 - 2018Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu | Computer Science | Graduated University
Sibiu, Romania
I have studied the basics of computer science. I learned about algorithms, data structures, databases, OOP and more.
.NET Developer Intern | Full time
Sibiu, Romania
I worked as a .NET developer intern at a local company. I worked on a Ferry Booking System. Collaborating closely with the development team to maintain and optimize the application, using .NET technologies. Engaging in database maintenance and management using SQL Server, ensuring consistent data integrity and system stability. Supporting the quality assurance process by conducting tests with xUnit and addressing any discrepancies found.
June 2023 - December 2023.NET & Angular Developer Intern
I have contributed to the development of a dynamic job platform streamlining the connection between businesses and freelance professionals who seek or offer their services. Further, I have contributed to the designing of the front-end user interface, enabling an easy user interface to interact with both the freelancers and companies. Also, I implemented the heavy back-end functionalities related to user accounts, project listings, and secure communication channels. The data storage and retrieval systems are properly structured to ensure a good data storage system and making quick retrieval with ease of access. I have also worked closely with designers to convert project requirements into visually appealing and functional designs of the user interface.
January 2024 - April 2024Junior .NET Developer with Angular | Full time
I contributed to a car rental invoice management tool. My key responsibilities were: Using C# and Dapper, backend functionalities were developed and maintained, improving server-side processes and data access for increased dependability and performance. Angular and TypeScript were used to develop user-friendly and responsive frontend interfaces that improved user experience and guaranteed fluid application interaction. Developed and enhanced SQL Server stored procedures for effective data retrieval and management
June 2024 - September 2024Contact me
Please contact me directly at valeriu.cristian.mandeal@gmail.com or through this form.